Sex in the Garden - Anole Love
A garden friend, who has also written numerous popular garden books, lives in a great cottage surrounded by a delightful, ever-changing garden. Weeding and maintenance chores could easily seem overwhelming in her lush green world but she makes a point of exploring it every morning, even if only for 20 minutes. She watches for plants that need pruning, deadheading or moving but she also mentally notes the health of her garden and the identity of potential pests. When talking about her garden she'll often begin telling stories of her garden's small residents. They provide the joy we all hope for. She considers all of her residents part of an extended family.This is a philosophy I embrace and thrill every time the garden critters let me observe something personal. My joy with having a garden and possessing a gift of observation lets me pay attention to the other worlds in my relatively urban habitat. It reminds me that I'm a part of some much bigger than me.
Occasionally some opportunistic photo opps pop that can't be ignored. I watched, frozen, mesmerized and feeling slightly guilty. Anole love is one of those moments. These two let me be a voyeur for awhile. It took several minutes for me to realize the camera was only one door away. They let me capture one photo as if uncertain they should move. Once caught on pixels they fell sideways, together, into the shrub behind them, and completely out of sight. Thank you.